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Yet another 'racist'. Yawn.

Muslim writers say La Plante attack on BBC is 'insulting'
A row broke out yesterday after the creator of Prime Suspect stoked allegations that the corporation favours Muslims by complaining that its drama commissioning team would rather read a script by a "little Muslim boy" than one she had written. "If my name were Usafi Iqbadal and I was 19, then they'd probably bring me in and talk," the scriptwriter, who has mainly worked for ITV, told The Daily Telegraph.

But Muslim writers hit back, accusing La Plante of "old-style racism" for reinforcing stereotypes. Max Malik, a novelist and playwright, called her comments "divisive, unhelpful and discouraging for young writers". Mr Malik, who won the Muslim Writers' Award two years ago, added: "She's trying to force me and my ilk into a corner. I don't call her a ginger-haired, middle-aged, female writer. That would be insulting."
Eh? It wouldn't actually. She is, after all, ginger-haired, middle-aged, female and a writer. And how, exactly, is she trying to back anyone into a corner?  She may be wrong. She may have a chip on her shoulder but calling her an 'old style racist' is tired, lazy and just plain wrong.