My Other Online Places
Find me on Facebook I tend to swear a bit and I'm an atheist. If you are easily offended, stay away.
I have strong views and can be an opinionated gobshite. I mostly just re-post stuff that grabs me.
Tumblr Images
My Tumblr Image blog. PowerImage All sorts of images that catch my eye for whatever reason. No theme, no logic, just random, eclectic stuff I stumble upon and like.
The Rest
I joined Twitter back in 2007 when it was just a few months old. it was a very different beast back then. It slowly deteriorated and I left after about 6 years. It became a cesspool and I would never go back.
Power Minded
It's all in the mind. A blog about all things neurological, psychological and brain/mind-related in general.
Last but not least you can find me covering a great many subjects (including, photography, food, graphic design, SEO, marketing etc.) on Pinterest