Explosive bollocks
/The boy who grew up to be a bomber
Let's hope so. If they are, indeed, all like this hapless, useless, incompetent Nigerian twat then we have little to fear. We might be in for a spate of burnt crotches, though.
Not that his 'bomb' attempt was a complete 'failure'. True, it failed to damage the plane in any way but this pathetic damp squid will still usher in even more disruption at airports around the world inconveniencing thousands of people and involving governments and airlines in more expense. And, of course, it strengthens the hand of those who want to make life more restricted and controlled for the rest of us. So, thanks a bunch, Umar. You fuckwit!
'There are many more like me', says failed underpants bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
Not that his 'bomb' attempt was a complete 'failure'. True, it failed to damage the plane in any way but this pathetic damp squid will still usher in even more disruption at airports around the world inconveniencing thousands of people and involving governments and airlines in more expense. And, of course, it strengthens the hand of those who want to make life more restricted and controlled for the rest of us. So, thanks a bunch, Umar. You fuckwit!