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Whatever happened to: "Hold my hand"?

Boy, 4, 'left looking like an Avatar extra' after sickening travelator accident

Naturally, it's the store's fault. The boy's father, Darren Webb, said:
'There was no kind of protection or barrier to stop this from happening but the shopping centre manager still wants to make out that this is our fault. 'It's unbelievable - my son nearly died.
Mr Webb reviewed CCTV footage which clearly showed the boy's mother completely unaware of what her four year old was doing. He then said:
'I'll put my hands up and agree my child was playing while his mum's back was turned - but four-year-olds do that sort of thing.'

Which is why parents need to take responsibility for them when they are in shops and walking on the pavement. It's a fucking travelator! It's not a fucking children's slide. A big machine with moving parts. Pay attention, dopes. Look after your children! But then,  isn't it so much easier to blame the store for not making it utterly impossible for any child to hurt themselves in any way whatever regardless of where their mother is or what she is doing at the time?

If this child had suffered these injuries in the home because of neglect there would be an outcry but here it is simply referred to as a 'sickening accident'.