Black coffee it is, then
/Scotland - Fizz taken out of sugary drinks sale in hospitals
I believe barley sugars will still be available, as will Mars bars, ice-cream and MRSA.HOSPITALS are to be banned from selling sugar-laden fizzy drinks to staff and visitors in the Lothians as part of a new health drive.
The soft drinks will be removed from canteens and cafeterias, while vending machines will be ditched or re-stocked with healthier alternatives.
The move has been ordered by NHS Lothian in an effort to help improve the health of staff and patients. The ban covers full sugar soft drinks such as Coca-Cola and Irn-Bru, but not diet versions of the same brands.
Reacting to the move, one nurse said: "Don't we have a right to choose anymore? Sometimes you want to have a fizzy drink even though you know it's not good for you. I know some of the doctors like to have an Irn-Bru when they are hung over." (emphasis mine)
Another said:
"Where is it going to end? Are they going to ban crisps and chips too? It's treating us like babies not offering us a choice." And another NHS Lothian worker who contacted the Evening News added: "Staff are not happy and are questioning why the [health board] - if it really is interested in the health of visitors and staff - doesn't also remove ice cream, crisps and all sorts of other junk foods and improve the quality of the hospital food? It is viewed amongst staff as a dictatorial measure that is well beyond the hospital's remit."
But Margaret Watt, chairwoman of the Scotland Patients Association, said that the move was a "step in the right direction".