I Give Up! #893

Down's pupil accused of 'racism'
The parents of a Down's teenager accused of a racist assault have called for changes in how the law deals with people with special needs. Jamie Bauld, 19, who has a mental age of five, was charged with assaulting an Asian pupil at Motherwell College last September...

The Baulds, from Cumbernauld, said they were first made aware of the incident on 4 September when someone from the college called to say Jamie had pushed another pupil, but the matter had been resolved and it was nothing to worry about. But a few weeks later they received another call saying the police had become involved and an advert had been placed in the local newspaper calling for witnesses to a "racist assault" at the college. The police visited the house to charge Jamie, but Mr Bauld said his son did not even understand what racism was.