
It's coming down to brains vs. brawn - Roger Simon
Is Barack Obama a wimp? Forget about whether he is prepared to answer a ringing phone at 3 a.m. Is he prepared to answer the attacks of Hillary Clinton at high noon? Obama is not incapable of defending himself. And, occasionally, he strikes back. But he seems like the guy who brings a Nerf bat to a knife fight...

OK, I am being a little unfair to him. He also says he will exercise better “judgment” than she will when he answers that ringing phone. But his attacks always seem based on reason, while hers seem more like a swift punch to the gut...

And it is instructive that during her victory speech after the Ohio primary last week, Clinton used boxing imagery: “For everyone here in Ohio and across America who’s ever been counted out but refused to be knocked out: ... This one is for you.”...

She sees this race as a fight, not an intellectual exercise...

You could almost hear the intake of breath in the press room as Obama finally delivered a punch...

True, the audience booed her and applauded him, but, as I wrote at the time, I was left wondering whether Obama had an instinct for the jugular...

In other words, who is tough enough to beat John McCain? And the one thing to keep in mind about McCain is not that he has a temper but that he is a warrior. He is a tough bird, and he knows how to fight. Does Obama?...

Chickenhawk dirtbags like Simon are always using macho imagery. Knife fights, boxing matches, battles, high noon confrontations, punches, knockout blows, attacks to the jugular and on and on they go, desperately trying to get a little rigidity going on down below.  But isn't it strange how most of them look like they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag and haven't had a fuck in years?

Man crisis going on here, I think. Pathetic