Think of the children...

Just Can't Quit: How far will smoking bans go?
California became the first state to ban smoking in bars a decade ago. Since then, smoking bans have flourished in bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, universities—you name it.  Recently, the Bay Area city of Belmont passed a law that targets people who smoke in their own homes.

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body, but how dangerous is second-hand smoke? Are banners saving lives or battering science? Are they progressive champions or plunderers of property rights?

Watch The Video

And then, if you have the time, watch this 25min 2002 film TALKING BUTTS: A SMOKING DOCUMENTARY.

The film features classic cigarette television ads, a cameo appearance by John Waters and interviews with authors, journalists, scholars, activists, several state attorneys general and one governor.