Translate fags here!

Don’t Ask, Don’t Translate - New York Times
Consider: more than 58 Arabic linguists have been kicked out since “don’t ask, don’t tell” was instituted. How much valuable intelligence could those men and women be providing today to troops in harm’s way? In addition to those translators, 11,000 other service members have been ousted since the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was passed by Congress in 1993. Many held critical jobs in intelligence, medicine and counterterrorism.

An untold number of closeted gay military members don’t re-enlist because of the pressure the law puts on them. This is the real cost of the ban — and, with our military so overcommitted and undermanned, it’s too high to pay.

As BuzzFlash remarks, paraphrasing Jon Stewart:

'The worst nightmare for a G.O.P. candidate is a future terrorist attack prevented by a gay hero.'