You decide

By Neddie Jingo!: Dancing About Architecture
I think there is such a thing as good music and bad music, and that these values exist outside my subjectivity. I believe that the more you know about the technical aspects of music, the more likely you are to possess the language to express criticism — that is, describe exactly why a piece of music is good or bad. Quite a few — indeed, probably all — “my-band-rocks-your-band-sucks” arguments arise from pure inarticulacy and nothing more.
An interesting piece by Neddie (with great comments). I have such an eclectic taste in music I should probably stay out of the argument. I’ll let Congresswoman Malinda Jackson Parker sing (sic) on my behalf. Good or bad this version of ‘No Bananas’ is considered a classic by those ‘in the know’. Say no more:

Staying with music:

If you missed this morning’s Radio 4 programme about the famous Stax-Volt Tour in 1967 you can hear it HERE. These guys were my heroes then. Sam and Dave, Booker T, Otis Redding, Arthur Conley, Eddie Floyd…wonderful stuff. I was also a regular at The Bag O’Nails club in London where the boys had their warm up evening (I missed that one though).

Here’s an extract from the programme where the absence of racism in London is remembered as a revelation to the performers, reflecting the similar experiences of Jazz musicians who moved to Europe decades earlier to escape the humiliation of segregation laws in the US: