Pissing down our backs

Empire Burlesque  - Storm Warnings of More Tyranny to Come

Chris Floyd on the recent speeches by Brown and Bush:
Both speeches give eloquent testimony to the fundamental fraudulency at the heart of the Anglo-American Terror State apparatus, and to the curdled cynicism of its leaders. They prate of their devotion to liberty while they act relentlessly and ruthlessly to take it away. They demean and despise the people they are ostensibly "protecting," treating us as cowards and fools who would sell our birthrights for a mess of pottage, as long as it's served to us behind a barbed wire fence, with an armed guard outside to keep the scary darkies away. To resort to a more earthy vernacular, they piss down our backs and tell us it's raining. And they will keep on doing it for as long as we let them.