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Gore still greatly outpaces most Americans in energy consumption

In powering his home, Gore still greatly outpaces most Americans in energy consumption. The findings were shocking:

• The past year, Gore's home energy use averaged 19,241 kilowatt hours (kWh) every month, compared to the U.S. household average of 901 kWh per month.

• Gore guzzles more electricity in one year than the average American family uses in 21 years.

• In September of 2016, Gore's home consumed 30,993 kWh in just one month – as much energy as a typical American family burns in 34 months.

• During the last 12 months, Gore devoured 66,159 kWh of electricity just heating his pool. That is enough energy to power six average U.S. households for a year.

No matter how the numbers are viewed, Al Gore uses vastly more electricity at his home than the average American – a particularly inconvenient truth given his hypocritical calls for all Americans to reduce their home energy use.