The Power of Blog

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Got the builders in

I'm moving to a new template for this site, one that will be able to take advantage of all the latest developments in Squarespace. The design I've been using is not compatible with any of the cool new features that the wonderful Squarespace team have developed over the last few months.

In tune with a new design will be a new focus and a 'less is more' approach. I plan to do some straightforward blogging, as well as the usual link blogging, and rebuild the rest of the site from scratch.

Until the new site is fully functional things will look decidedly weird, stuff will appear and disappear unpredictably and some old links may well end up broken. Still, as I'm on leave at the moment it's not going to make any difference, is it?

As I'm in the middle of a house move and possibly some hospital treatment I wouldn't hold your breath but I'm hoping for a mid-September re-launch. :)