The Power of Blog

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Apture rapture

Apture: A Rich Multimedia Experience and Linking Platform for the Web
Apture provides the first rich communication platform allowing publishers and bloggers to easily turn flat pages of text into multimedia experiences.

Apture allows you to add a wealth of multimedia links to your site, opening content in new interactive windows that can be repositioned anywhere on the page, or enlarged to fullscreen.

Apture is the only platform that allows you to combine multimedia content from around the web, together in one place. Each item can be associated with related media, enabling you to build a web of information, and help your users learn more about the topic you are writing about.

Apture supports multimedia content from around the web, be that images, documents, audio, video, news articles, movie information, product descriptions, music, podcasts…

Apture also allows easy embedding of content into a page. You can resize the content to best match your page layout, and add a caption to introduce it.

Here's a very small example of some of the things Apture can do:

Operation Chariot

In early 1942 Britain was facing a most critical situation. The success of the German U-Boat raids on transatlantic shipping threatened Britain’s supply of food and arms, and was damaging her morale. The daring and brilliantly successful cross-channel Raid on the huge Dry-dock at St Nazaire, France, carried out by British Commando and Naval Forces, lifted Britain’s morale and demonstrated that bravery could achieve the apparently impossible. Five Victoria Crosses were won on the raid.

To check out all the possibilities visit the Apture website and watch the videos.