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Maxing out on Pallin

Best of the ’08 Campaign V: Northern exposure
Were it not for the determination and fearlessness of Max Blumenthal, we would now stand one week before the election largely ignorant of Palin’s Christianist political theology. His work was invaluable, but it has been under-exposed and under-appreciated.

Here is an essential library of Blumenthal’s work on Palin. Is Sarah Palin a “whack job”? Watch the clips, particularly those of her speaking in her own church, and call it for yourself.

“The Witch Hunter Anoints Sarah Palin”

“In the Land of Queen Esther: The YouTube Version”

“New Footage from Inside Palin’s Church”

Sarah Palin Discusses “Master’s Commissions”

“Did the Palin Administration Exclude Blacks?”

“Meet Sarah Palin’s Radical Right-Wing Pals”