An article you'll never read in the Mail
Have we seen that bow tie somewhere before, John?
It's a fashion nightmare many men have experienced - you turn up at a big event in your super new outfit, only to find your thunder has been stolen by someone with the same sense of style. But most such clothes disasters don't happen in the full glare of the world's media. That's what happened to Joseph Kennedy and John Canemaker at the Oscar ceremony last year.
It's a fashion nightmare many men have experienced - you turn up at a big event in your super new outfit, only to find your thunder has been stolen by someone with the same sense of style. But most such clothes disasters don't happen in the full glare of the world's media. That's what happened to Joseph Kennedy and John Canemaker at the Oscar ceremony last year.
John and Joseph looked stunning as they walked down the red carpet in their evening wear. But the photographers who were covering the event couldn't help feeling they had seen it before. And sadly, they were right. Thousands of times. Men wearing the same or very similar outfits to awards ceremonies . Oh my god! What a faux pas.