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Curtains for guests

Window Wear: Expected Curtain Gives the Lonely Friends to Come Home to
Designed by Mino Kodama, the Expected Curtain is a sort of instant virtual posse, aimed individuals who either have no friends, or who are plagued by stalkers*. Hang the curtain in your window and, while the three shadowy “friends” won’t show up during the day (thus making your neighbors fear you are a work-shy fop and endeavor to have you thrown out of your co-op) but appear once the lights go on and making you look like a truly popular person.

Fine if you don’t mind having curtains like tissue paper I suppose. Wouldn’t work for me. I’ve got wooden shutters and heavy, lined curtains which don’t let in (or out) a single chink of light. I think if I had these I’d do something like this >>

Now that would get the neighbours talking!
