Vote early! Vote often!
The 2007 Weblog Awards

I have very little time for blog awards in general and the Wizbang one in particular. However they are here to stay so I suppose we should all do our duty and make sure Iain Dale doesn't win!
At the moment he is leading in the 'Best UK Blog' category, with 21.2% of the vote. The list of 'links' on the site isn't working because, while they managed to include the 'list' part they've omitted the 'links' part. I made the mistake of thinking the blog names were links to their sites and accidentally voted for
Kickette, " a fun and gossipy site focussing on the lifestyle of football players, written from a female perspective." WTF?
Anyway get over there every day and indulge in some tactical voting. This may mean voting for Kickette and that may mean Kickette being voted 'Best UK Blog'. But on reflection I can think of no better outcome for someone who thinks it's all bollocks anyway.
UPDATE: Sean Gleeson has emailed me to tell me he's fixed the links and that my mock banner is 'stylistically inconsistent' with the 2007 Awards standards (I was too lazy to check the font etc, its Euphemia and I used Verdana and a couple of upper case letters). But Sean did more than that, he sent me a corrected banner! (above) Amazing!
I feel guilty now :( So...
Support the Weblog Awards!!
God, I'm such a tart!
UPDATE: Sunday evening. And Kickette is in the lead. It is clear that every self-respecting left of centre blogger should get themselves over there and vote for this woman, whoever she is, otherwise it will be a race betweenDale and EURef. (Sorry DK, but it looks like you are out of the running mate.)

I have very little time for blog awards in general and the Wizbang one in particular. However they are here to stay so I suppose we should all do our duty and make sure Iain Dale doesn't win!

Anyway get over there every day and indulge in some tactical voting. This may mean voting for Kickette and that may mean Kickette being voted 'Best UK Blog'. But on reflection I can think of no better outcome for someone who thinks it's all bollocks anyway.
UPDATE: Sean Gleeson has emailed me to tell me he's fixed the links and that my mock banner is 'stylistically inconsistent' with the 2007 Awards standards (I was too lazy to check the font etc, its Euphemia and I used Verdana and a couple of upper case letters). But Sean did more than that, he sent me a corrected banner! (above) Amazing!
I feel guilty now :( So...
Support the Weblog Awards!!
God, I'm such a tart!
UPDATE: Sunday evening. And Kickette is in the lead. It is clear that every self-respecting left of centre blogger should get themselves over there and vote for this woman, whoever she is, otherwise it will be a race betweenDale and EURef. (Sorry DK, but it looks like you are out of the running mate.)